9 Strategies for Developing Better Reading Comprehension Skills in Children

9 Strategies for Developing Better Reading Comprehension Skills in Children

Reading comprehension skills are an essential part of learning and academic success. Developing better reading comprehension skills in children can help them navigate the world around them more easily and confidently, both inside and outside the classroom. 


As explained by Ameya World School, one of the best schools in Vizag, here are nine strategies to help children improve their reading comprehension skills:



1. Read aloud with your child


Reading aloud together is a great way to encourage children to become engaged with books and develop a love of reading. It can also be a great way to help them better understand the text they are reading.


2. Encourage active reading


Active reading involves taking notes and asking questions about the text. This encourages children to think deeply about what they are reading and helps them gain a better understanding of the material.


3. Teach strategies for understanding the text


Teaching children specific reading comprehension strategies can go a long way toward improving their skills. For example, teaching them to make predictions as they read, draw conclusions from what is being said, and synthesize information from different sources can help them become better readers.


4. Model reading comprehension strategies


Showing children how to apply their skills in action is just as important as teaching them the strategies themselves. Parents and teachers can demonstrate to children how they approach reading material, such as making predictions or drawing conclusions about what is being read.


5. Provide opportunities for practice


Practice makes perfect, and this applies to reading comprehension skills as well. Providing children with a variety of texts to read and encouraging them to use the strategies they’ve learned can help build their skills over time.


6. Use discussion and questioning


Asking children questions about what they’ve read can be a great way to get them thinking critically about the material. Discussion and questioning can also help build their vocabulary and increase their understanding of words and concepts.


7. Help children identify main ideas


Identifying the main idea in a text is one of the most important reading comprehension skills to develop. Helping children understand how to identify and summarize the main ideas in a text can go a long way toward improving their overall comprehension.


8. Connect reading to other subjects


Reading is closely related to other academic subjects. So it’s important for parents and teachers to help children make connections between what they’re reading and what they’re learning in other areas.


9. Provide feedback


Providing children with positive feedback can help them become more confident readers and better comprehend what they’re reading. Parents and teachers can offer praise for effort as well as for specific elements of the text that children understood or were able to apply.


By using these strategies, children can become more confident readers, better comprehend what they’re reading, and ultimately succeed in their academic endeavors.


With this view, we at Ameya World School,  strive to create an environment that encourages reading comprehension in our students and helps them understand the material better. We not only make use of these strategies but also provide a comprehensive teaching plan that is tailored according to each child’s individual needs. Our team of highly qualified and experienced teachers is dedicated to helping children become more successful readers and reach their full potential.  


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